Nifty opened at 10,139 level, down by 2 points while Sensex opened at 32,406 level, up by using 6 points on Thursday. There are 857 advances, 521 declines and 449 unchanged shares on NSE reflecting sturdy sure sentiments floating out there. Dr Reddy’s Lab is prime Nifty gainer trading at Rs 2,357 per share , up by of 1.86% whereas Coal India is top Nifty loser trading at Rs 254.75 per share, down by using 0.7%. On the upside, if Nifty manages to maintain above 10,180 it's going to scale as much as levels of 10,200-10,240, whereas on the downside, a breach of 10,130 may just open for correction as much as the levels of 10,115-10,080. The rupee opened at 64.50 per USD. The Dow Industrial and the S&P 500 market set new record closing highs. The Dow Jones Industrial reasonable gained 42 points to finish at 22,413. The S&P 500 rose 2 points to close at 2,508. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 5 points to shut at 6,456. Asian Equity markets struggled for cour...